How to Make Your Luxury Bar Stand Out

Making your home bar stand out from the crowd is a difficult task. It doesn't help that there are so many other people who share your goal. This article will provide some methods to make your home bar stand out and be unique, while also providing you with a list of things to avoid if you want to follow in everyone else's footsteps.

Let's take a look at some things to avoid when constructing your home bar in order to make it unique. Avoiding common mistakes when setting up your home bar will allow you to stand out from the crowd and give you something others can't easily replicate.

Avoid using black lighting for your lit shelf or bar display

Black lights are popular because they stand out and make your bar more noticeable. Unfortunately, this is also why many people use them. Try finding a color that matches the cupboard handles or the bar stools that way you can tie everything together. You can also change the bulbs to a more retro shape and colour instead of bright LED lights use a softer yellower light.

Avoid using oversized novelty ice cubes

Some people might buy huge ice cube trays so they can make gigantic cubes that stand out in their drinks, but these are just as common as black lighting. Try something different than giant pyramids of ice. An alternative is freezing the water with some edible flowers or berries to give a touch of class and luxury to you and your guest's drinks.

Don't use the same old, boring bar tools or spirit bottles

Every home bartender has a bottle of each type of booze just sitting on their shelf, waiting to be filled for a drink that needs it. It's easy to go out and buy one bottle of every type of alcohol you think you'll need when starting out, but this makes your display blend in with everyone else 's. Instead, try something different. Pick one bottle of each type of alcohol and only keep it one shelf; this allows for variety in your display without looking like everyone else's. Choose something that is unique or hard to find (it doesn't have to be the most expensive stuff on the planet).

Neon or floor lighting can be a great touch

Adding neon lighting that doesn't just say "bar" can be a great way of personalising your luxury bar.  It doesn't have to be neon- it can be lighting that matches the rest of your home decor. Floor lamps are also a great addition to any luxury bar display, and they're perfect for creating zones in an open floor plan or just adding some illumination where it seems too dark.

To conclude using these tips for making your bar personal to your home and avoiding mistakes that you might be making will allow your home bar to stand out in some way. Having something unique is what separates people with a luxury home bar from the rest of the crowd, allowing you to express yourself and impress guests.

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